Ongoing SHaG Lab Research Projects
Holistic Sexual Health Among Indigenous Boys and Men (Copy)
Field studies on a community-based approach to the sexual health and wellness of Indigenous Boys and Men in Mi’kma’ki.
The SHaG lab has partenered with the CBRC to develop the Investigaytors program! Investigaytors equips young queer, trans, and Two-Spirit people with the social connections, health knowledge, and community-based research skills they need to be health leaders in their communities. Interested in participating in in the Investigaytors program in your community? Click here to learn more about the program and how to get involved.
Queering Digital Connections: Impacts of technology and COVID-19 on older 2SLGBTQ+ adults
Queering Digital Connections? Exploring the impact of technology and the COVID-19 pandemic on older LGBT+ peoples friendships, relationships, and communities
2SLGBTQ+ Peoples use of Dating Apps during COVID-19
Breaking Barriers: In this research study, the SHaG lab investigates the mental health of 2SLGBTQ+ people in Nova Scotia who use dating apps, and the strategies that they employ to manage their mental health during the pandemic
Sex Work in the Digital Age
The parameters of sex work are rapidly changing; We are exploring the practices and perspectives of 2SGBTQS men engaging in it to support and promote the health of 2SGBTQS men involved in sex work.
Sexualized Drug-Use & Sexualized Violence in Online Spaces
Examining the sexual and mental health outcomes of gay, bi, trans, Two-Spirit, and queer (GBT2SQ) men’s experiences with sexualized drug use and sexualized violence using online technologies during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Wired Sex: Sexualized Drug Use and Hook Up Apps
Researching the link between drug use and hook up apps in the lives and communities of gay, bisexual, two-spirit, trans and queer men (GBT2SQ).
Where Educational Technology and Sexology Meet
Class is in session. A look at undergraduate university students’ attitudes, beliefs, values, and practices related to sexual orientation and sexual consent.