Queering Digital Connections: Impacts of technology and COVID-19 on older 2SLGBTQ+ adults

Most of the research that examines how people interact via online technologies, including recent research exploring use of technology during the COVID­19 pandemic, has focused on young people rather than older adults. There are even fewer studies on older 2SLGBTQ+ adults’ experiences with online technologies, and most of the research focuses on risks and harm rather than the positive impacts of technology. This project will investigate the ways in which adults aged 50 and above living in Atlantic Canada who identify as Two Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and other gender and sexual minorities (2SLGBTQ+) develop and maintain friendships, relationships, and community. As such, we will focus on how online technologies such as social media platforms and dating sites/apps and theCOVID­19 pandemic have helped and/or hindered older 2SLGBTQ+ adults’ socio­sexual interactions. In pursuit of these goals, we are taking a qualitative approach, holding 15 interviews and 3 focus groups.


This research is funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)




2SLGBTQ+ Peoples use of Dating Apps during COVID-19