SHaG Lab in the Press!
The SHaG lab strives to make our work accessible. Below are articles, videos, and features highlighting the SHaG lab’s projects.
Holistic Sexual Health Among Indigenous Boys and Men
Field studies on a community-based approach to the sexual health and wellness of Indigenous Boys and Men in Mi’kma’ki.
PrEP/ HIV Prevention
As of right now, we have all of the tools necessary to eliminate new HIV infections - so why are we not providing them to those who need it?
Education Technology Meets Sexology
Class is in session. A look at undergraduate university students’ attitudes, beliefs, values, and practices related to sexual orientation and sexual consent
2SLGBTQ+ Advocacy
The SHaG lab continuously advocates for the physical, mental, and sexual well-being of 2SLGBTQ+ people in the community, policy, and research spheres.