HIV Prevention & PrEP
Advocating for HIV Prevention in Canada
Press & Media Features
The Positive Effect . Social Media Feature. April 13th, 2022
Why an HIV Prevention drug isn’t getting into the hands of those who need it most. CBS News, Alex Cooke. Text Interview. April 15th, 2021.
DAL HIV Researcher: NS GOV Should Make Anti-HIV Daily Pill Universally Available, The Macdonald Notebook, Andrew Macdonald, Text Interview, December 7, 2019.
NDP, AIDS coalition push Nova Scotia to cover preventative drug, The Chronical Herald, John McPhee, Text Interview, December 2, 2019.
Delay on Universal PrEP Coverage Leaves People At Risk, The Sheldon MacLeod Show, News 95.7, Broadcast Interview, Sheldon Macleod, December 2, 2019.
PrEP Action Committee calls for universal access to PrEP medication and accompanying education, The Signal, Digital Broadcast, Robyn Simon & Matt Stickland, November 30, 2018.
HIV ‘outbreak’ in N.S. continues to rise as awareness week kicks off, Global News, Digital Broadcast, Alexa MacLean, November 29, 2018.
Advocates, NDP implore Nova Scotia government to cover HIV-prevention drug, The Star: Halifax, , Text Interview, Yvette D’Entremont, November 28, 2018.
‘We need a real response to HIV’: NDP urge coverage for drug treatment, The Chronicle Herald, Text Interview, Francis Campbell, November 28, 2018.
HIV rates could increase: Sexual Health panel calls for universal medication funding, Global News, Digital Broadcast, Alexa MacLean, July 25, 2018.
Nova Scotia government adds HIV prevention drug to pharmacare program, National, News 95.7, Alex Cooke, July 20, 2018.
Nova Scotia will fund HIV-prevention drug PrEP with pharmacare, CBC, CBC news Nova Scotia, Jenny Cowley, July 20, 2018.
HIV Prevention drug added to N.S. pharmacare program, Global News, Global news at 6 Halifax, Steve Silva, July 20, 2018
New HIV cases could double this year in Nova Scotia, prompting advisory, CBC, CBC news Nova Scotia, Jeff Chiu, July 19, 2018.
Nova Scotia experiencing 'significant increase' in newly-diagnosed HIV cases, Global News, Digital Broadcast, Alexa MacLean, July 18, 2018
Nova Scotia Public Health Office concerned with rise in cases of HIV in the province, CBC, CBC radio one Halifax, Don Connolly and Louise Renault, July 18, 2018.
“Highly Effective” HIV prevention drug still hard to access for Canadians at risk, Shauna McGinn, The Finch News (November 30, 2016)
Advocates for HIV prevention pill push for better access, information, Sarah Peterson, Paul Emile d'Entremont, Radio One, CBC (July 11, 2016 - July 11, 2016)